
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Covering Decision 2010

Election night always ignites newsroom excitement throughout the country. Although our J309 class was just a makeshift newsroom, it was no exception. We decided to make a Website from scratch, and each person worked on a different aspect of the Website. I choose to cover mainstream media.
I was covering CNN's coverage by tweeting. Robert taught me how to make a Twitter widget that streams all of the tweets that are about one particular subject such as the one below.

He also showed me how to shorten a url so it isn't too long on a tweet, which can be seen from my tweets above. I thought CNN did a really good job covering elections throughout the country so thoroughly. And they used Twitter for most of their breaking news, showing how important social media is becoming for breaking news.

After class, I spent the rest of my night doing live shots in the ATVNnewsroom. ATVN was live for 3 hours on Tuesday with live shots from six different locations. I never knew how exciting live shots were until I did a few.

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